Esperanto - Stanford University site-map
Directions for finding the Class
Directions are difficult in general at Stanford. If you have a graphical browser then these maps may help. If you don't know the campus well (there are lots of roads where "you can't get there from here") then the best thing to do is to find the school and ask how to park at the Tressider Student Union Building. The International Center shares the same parking lot. Once you park just ask again, you're really close.


For the following 2 maps, please notice that North is up and the Bechtel International Center is in the triangle to the right of the lake at the bottom of the map.
  1. Stanford campus: "Small" map (112k)
  2. Stanford campus: Large map (824k)

Be careful and notice that North is pointing down on this map of Stanford and vicinity (45k). and that the Bechtel International Center is near where the big red "S" in "Stanford" is.

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